Look for Dr. Cinéas at a college or university campus near you. Dr. Judi Cinéas will be traveling throughout 2011 to share information from her book Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months. If you have not received notification that she is coming to your campus, call your Graduate Student Organizations and tell them to bring her by.


The Dissertation Journey to Remember workshops get students to start taking steps early in their doctorate programs that will help make a smoother journey.


This workshop helps students understand how to find an access resources to help enrich their journey and to think outside the box.


Some of the items covered include:

Ways to prepare before reaching candidacy

Steps for developing a research topic from a passion

Selecting & clarifying research topics

Designing research questions & Hypotheses

Working with the committee

Time management

Finding and accessing resources

Setting dissertation timelines and work-plans

Emotional & mental preparation and care

Designing a personal dissertation journey


Workshop format

The workshop is divided into a series of discussions and activities.